Adrirec – ADRIatic ports for Renewable Energy Communities
Project Adrirec – ADRIatic ports for Renewable Energy Communities
INTERREG VI-B IPA Adriatic Ionian Cooperation Program
Total budget: 1.562.937,42 EUR
Budget PRA: 162.000,00 EUR
Contribution of EU funds: 85%
Project start: 01/09/2024
Project period: 36 months
Project partners from 8 countries: Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro
Project overview:
Despite being the most environmentally friendly way of transporting large quantities of goods, maritime transport, like any other human activity based on fossil fuels contributes to climate change. This is even more true in ADRION ports, located in the proximity of populated areas, degrading local air quality on top of the emitting CO2.
To change this, cooperation is vital since not only are these issues common, but they also need a shared approach: pollution and greenhouse gas emissions do not stop at borders. ADRIREC aims to tackle this issue by supporting the clean energy transition of ADRION ports, turning them from emitters of pollutants and greenhouse gases to low-carbon clean energy hubs by exploiting the untapped potential of renewable energy sources and applying the innovative concept of renewable energy communities.
To achieve this, first we will develop a toolkit providing practical advice, guidance and calculation of the potential of renewable energy production and the creation of a renewable energy community for ADRION ports, based on their energy needs. This will provide ADRION ports with a powerful solution for planning their clean energy transition, including it in a common transnational strategy.
Within the project, Port of Rijeka Authority will aid policymakers in transitioning to clean energy and explore local renewable energy production. Furthermore, Port of Rijeka Authority, in cooperation with other partners in the project, will also conduct a pilot solar power plant construction at the maritime passenger terminal building, showcasing its architectural beauty. The facility is visually appealing and features solar panels that serve both functionality and a public presentation element.