Interreg Italy-Croatia – CRESPORT

    May 3, 2024

    Project CRESPORT ”Improving the Cyber REsilience and Security of Adriatic PORTs” financed by Interreg Italy –Croatia 2021-2027 programme
    Total budget: € 2.409.862,00
    Port of Rijeka Authority budget: € 320.000,00
    EU co-financing share: 80%
    Project duration: 01/03/2024 – 30/06/2026

    The project CRESPORT objective is to tackle the challenge of providing the ports a more secure and resilient IT infrastructure. Adriatic ports are crucial stakeholders in current and future maritime traffic not only in Italy and Croatia but also in Europe overall. In the transport sector, digitization is a key factor for supply chain competitiveness. Implementation of digital systems exposes port infrastructure to great risks: a cyber-attack on any of the ports could significantly disrupt the supply chain and thus the national economy. Therefore, considering ports as vulnerable and critical infrastructures, CRESPORT aims to solve this problem through cooperation and joint action, and by strengthening territorial cohesion.
    Within this project, the Port of Rijeka Authority plans to allocate a part of the funds for implementation of the Pilot project: Upgrade of the Port of Rijeka Authority IT security.
    The Port of Rijeka Authority intends to create an assessment of IT security threats as the basis for improving the protection of the network infrastructure. The aim is to renew and improve the firewall infrastructure of the entire network infrastructure and to upgrade user monitoring to a new standard.
    ICT sector employees would be trained in the kinetic safety and handling of new equipment. After completing the upgraded equipment and software, the system would be tested for tightness (penetration test).
    The leading partner: Ravenna Port Authority
    Project partners: Port of Dubrovnik Authority, Port of Rijeka Authority, Port of Ploče Authority, Central Adriatic Ports Authority, Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, North Adriatic Sea Port Authority – Ports of Venice and Chioggia.

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