Interreg Italy-Croatia – MILEPORT

    May 3, 2024

    Project MILEPORT ”Improving the last MILE accessibility of Adriatic PORTs” financed by the Interreg Italy – Croatia 2021-2027 programme
    Total budget: € 2.575.574,60
    Port of Rijeka Authority budget: € 340.000,00
    EU co-financing share: 80%
    Project duration: 30 months (February 1st, 2024 – July 31, 2026)

    The MILEPORT project objective is to solve the weak last mile accessibility of Adriatic ports, affecting their integration into the respective cities and hinterlands, causing multimodal transport inefficiency, weaker economic growth, higher transport-related air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
    To change this, cooperation on both shores of the Adriatic Sea is vital, because the issues to be tackled are common and cover operational topics that cannot be dealt at local level, given the global nature of transport flows.
    Cooperation between freight forwarders is crucial for enhancing accessibility of Adriatic ports’ last mile and strengthening territorial cohesion, as they contribute to the total efficiency of multimodal connectivity.
    The Port of Rijeka Authority will allocate part of the funds on a pilot project for the development of a mobile application for Android and IOS platforms.
    The mobile application will enable users to announce their arrival and check the availability of cargo. In this way, large freight forwarders will be able to announce their drivers, who will receive their appointment and digital license on their mobile phones, while small forwarders will be able to announce their arrival in a more convenient way. This approach will improve the system of notifying users about terminal activities and work dynamics, and at the same time enable monitoring of the traffic situation at entry points.
    Leading project partner: Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea
    Project partners: North Adriatic Sea Port Authority – Ports of Venice and Chioggia (IT), Port of Ravenna Authority (IT), Central Adriatic Ports Authority (IT), Southern Adriatic Sea Port Authority (IT), Port of Rijeka Authority (HR), Port of Zadar Authority (HR), Port of Ploče Authority (HR)

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