
    July 31, 2020

    PROMARES labelled significant for EUSAIR ...

    The Steering Board of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) ident...

    July 16, 2020

    TalkNET – International Final Confe...

    The International Final Conference of the TalkNET (Transport and logistics stakeholders...

    July 2, 2020

    Simulated tactical fire control exercise ...

    On July 2, 2020, a fire control exercise was held on th...

    June 20, 2020

    First touristic cruises ships departing f...

    Minister of Tourism, Gari Cappelli on Saturday saw off ...

    June 18, 2020

    POR2CORE-AGCT Dredging: Construction Cont...

    On May 18, 2020, the construction contract was signed f...

    June 18, 2020

    State Road D-403 and AGCT Dredging: const...

    On 18 June 2020, in the presence of Oleg Butković, Mini...

    June 15, 2020

    POR2CORE-BCTB: Progress of works

    The project "Upgrade of the Rijeka Port infrastructure- Terminal for bulk cargo Bakar" ...

    June 12, 2020

    Passenger port hits record in arrival of ...

    These days, the largest number of  mega yachts has been...

    May 22, 2020

    Exportdrvo Warehouse – Concession c...

    The Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, ...